Tuesday, March 31, 2009


by Troi Lewis, a public transit evangelist, City of Hampton resident and frequent online commenter and forum participant; Troi is looking forward to the day when he can use public transportation all the time.

Currently, we need to realize a cost effective alternative to the transportation issue. While it is true that new tunnels and roads are needed, it is still in our best interest to implement mass transit. If you don't agree, please consider the following: Whatever decision is made, it has to be paid for somehow.

I say this because there are concerns as to the cost of the starter light rail (LRT) line in Norfolk. There's also concern about Virginia Beach’s purchase of the remainder of the Norfolk Southern (NS) line to eventually bring LRT to the Beach. But the truth of the matter is: it's the start to an alternative.

Notice that it's called a "starter line". It's not called the "only line", or "Norfolk's exclusive-customized-one-of-a-kind-light rail line; it's called a "starter line". It's the beginning to a light rail system that could stretch all over Hampton Roads and beyond. You probably would also say: This doesn't seem cost effective.

On the contrary, compared to what a new tunnel or crossing would cost, piecing together a light rail system with Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Street Car systems would be a lot less. No matter the cost, we need something that would bring a lot more to the table then just more tunnels and more roads.

If you look at TOD (Transit Oriented Development) as something that only feeds the developers’ pockets, you’re not looking at the big picture. Look at the convenience of having some form of rapid transit within walking distance of where you live, work, shop, school, etc. While interstates and expressways are good for business and those close to them, they don't bring property value up like rail or rapid transit does.

There's also a very large financial return that comes from TODs. This could help fund other transportation projects.

You also need to think about the environmental effect this can have, specifically on our health. Think of your children and your other loved ones that have asthma, allergies, or any other forms of respiratory problems.

So I say to you Hampton Roads: Support your city and their decision to bring mass transit (whatever the form) to the region. This will be supporting all of Hampton Roads.

The General Assembly (GA) is not providing solutions. The MPO has worked on bringing a solution to the traffic and travel time through this Plan: www.HamptonRoadsTransitPlan.com

Again, many of the cities are already working on implementing these ideas. So it's going to take all of Hampton Roads to come together to make this into a reality. For those of you who agree on these ideas, please, PLEASE show that you are in support of what's being planned. This way the GA will see that something like this needs to be funded and not put on the back burner like it has been for the past 20 years. I, myself, would rather pay taxes for something that I know can actually bring benefit and make a change, then for something that will be outdated before it's even finished.

So, in closing, we have to put our voices together on this one and tell the GA: WE WANT MASS TRANSIT AS A SOLUTION!!!!

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