Thursday, January 15, 2009

Transportation - A Lack of Funding Requires New Thinking

Excerpt from Free Enterprise Forum blog by Neils Williamson, dated October 16, 2008:

"It is imperative that we consider the statewide impact of a lack of funding for new roads. Too often, this region (Charlottesville) considers itself an island without contemplating the impacts for even more populous (more gridlocked) regions such as Tidewater (Hampton Roads) or Northern Virginia. The definitions of gridlock differ widely throughout the state. Some in NOVA and Tidewater (Hampton Roads) that are spending 1 1/2 hrs each way on their commute may look fondly at North US 29 at 5:15 pm. Using this wide lens may assist in appreciating the true scope of this policy shift.

If we accept the State Government is not willing to fund Transportation projects, how do we, as citizens of the commonwealth, seek to address this imperative need?"

For the full story, click here.

Be sure visit for video about this very topic.

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